活动预告 | 正午阳光——青年学者论坛(2024秋季)第二期



2024年秋季学期 “正午阳光——青年学者论坛”第二期活动安排如下:

讲座题目:News Sentiment and the Cost of Debt




付梦瑶,澳大利亚迪肯大学信息系统与商业分析系讲师。博士毕业于香港城市大学信息系统系。研究领域为数字创新,特别是融合创新、创新传播、新兴创新以及可持续创新,在Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS, FT 50 list), Information Systems Frontiers (ISF), and Journal of Information Technology (JIT) 等国际期刊发表多篇论文。

讲座时间:2024年10月17日(周四)12:00 - 13:30



Based on 4.4 million news from about 6000 newspapers, this paper investigates the relationship between news sentiment and the cost of debt. We find that news sentiment is negatively associated with firms’ offering yield spreads. News sentiment can affect the cost of debt from firm level and market level. Further research finds that since Chengtou firms, state-owned firms and firms in developed provinces have strong government support, the impact of news sentiment will be moderated. If the credit rating is higher, the debt ratio is lower or the cash ratio is higher, the impact of media sentiment will also be moderated. This paper further changes the lagged month, the explanatory and dependent variables, and aggregates the bond level analysis to the firm level. Propensity Score Matching and Instrumental Variables are used to address the potential endogeneity concerns. News sentiment still has a significantly negative impact on firms' cost of debt.